Sloane Stanely Pavillion 31 Kent-Cornwall Rd (Rt. 7), KentThe Fall CAMA weekend event is where we serve up hamburgers, hotdogs, and awesome french fries! Thank you for helping out during this important fundraiser!
The Fall CAMA weekend event is where we serve up hamburgers, hotdogs, and awesome french fries! Thank you for helping out during this important fundraiser!
Bring a guest!
The Kent Memorial Library presents the first annual Kent Carnival on August 31st, at Golden Falcon Field, 20 North Main Street, Kent from 12 to 3 p.m. Golden Falcon Field …
Our monthly meeting for members.
All hands on-deck for burgers, dogs & fries. Kent Boy Scouts will cover the breakfast shifts. Jonathan Matson will be at the helm. Sign up for shifts here.
We will offer up burgers, dogs, drinks, and chips.
We sponsor this event throughout the year. No volunteers needed, but please consider donating.
We distribute safety glow-in-the-dark necklaces to trick-or- treaters.